Friday, November 8, 2013

Australian Intelligence site down 100%

Indonesian hacker threat that will bombard the Australian government's website was not sucking the thumb. As has been previously kindled , Indonesian hackers attacking all-out important sites Australian government , including intelligence sites down 100 per cent in just a matter of hours . Site australia Intelligence Agency or the Australian Intelligence Service is located at already could not be opened . And if we look at the status of the site , stated that the site is vital that Australia's security 100 % down or totally dead. According to the Indonesia ICT Institute , which had been some confusion about hackers target what will be addressed . If before have so many sites that replaced zoom alias in deface , tonight seems to focus attacks affecting sites . Moreover , many people say that the hacked sites not previously qualified , while Indonesia hackers now hacking acclaimed as the number one in the world . Besides site , there are other sites that could be targeted intelligence , but then eventually lead to this site . Site hackers who attacked Indonesia is seen briefly unconscious before finally dying completely. Site created down by Indonesian hackers occasionally come back to life . Conditions of this site can be found at to know what sites are down and seen the Australian vital site down a few times , until you see that this site could not be opened . Attacks on critical sites Australia is predicted to continue until the next day . Indonesia is an attack from hackers in retaliation for the government's wiretapping Australia against Indonesian Internet network .

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